Feel Good Acupuncture, Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Ask the Acupuncturist Recommended Books Glossary

All of the intials that indicate degrees, certifications and training can be confusing. The following glossary will hopefully help you understand their relevance.
Licensed Practitioner of Oriental Medicine (L.OM.)
In order to practice acupuncture in Pennsylvania, one must apply for a license from the State Board of Medicine or the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine. Depending on one's training, an acupuncturist can apply for a license to practice acupuncture (L.Ac.), or a license to practice Oriental Medicine (L.OM.). A Practitioner of Oriental Medicine is licensed to not only practice acupuncture, but also Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. Certain minimal requirements must be met in regards to education and training before one can obtain either license.
NCCAOM Certification (Dipl.O.M. (NCCAOM))
The NCCAOM is the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Most states require passing grades on one or more NCCAOM exams in order to apply for a license. I am an NCCAOM Diplomate in Oriental Medicine. This means that I have passed 5 separate competency examinations covering acupuncture theory, point location, western biomedicine, chinese herbology and Oriental Medical theory.
The APA is the Association for Professional Acupuncture in Pennsylvania. This is a professional organization for non-physician acupuncturists. It provides a forum for acupuncture and herbology based continuing education and a means to stay current on state legislation that affects the profession.
Hari Style of Acupuncture
The Hari style of acupuncture is a specific style of acupuncture that is rooted in traditional Japanese meridian therapy. I have studied through the Hari program in Boston outside of my regular schooling.

What may interest some patients is that the treatments may involve non-insertive needle techniques. This is a wonderful treatment style for any patient, but especially for children or those who may be afraid of needles. While the treatments are very gentle, the effects are still powerful. If you are interested in the lineage of this style, please meet my teacher.

NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques
NAET is a vibrational technique to non-invasively identify and treat nutritional, environmental, and auto-immune related sensitivities and allergies. Instead of putting patients on long-term avoidance diets or lifestyles, this system provides a means of treating each allergen or sensitivity, often in as little as one treatment per allergen or sensitivity.

Only those holding a medical license can be trained in NAET. Training is done directly with Dr. Nambudripad at her clinic outside of Los Angeles. Trainees must attend seminars up through Advanced Level I in order to be listed on the NAET website as an NAET practitioner. Trainees are also required to demonstrate Neuromuscular Response Testing skills as well as pass a written exam for each training session.

For more information on NAET at Feel Good Acupuncture, please click here.

Master's Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (M.A.O.M.) from the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA)
This degree indicates that I have studied traditional Chinese styles of acupuncture, traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and traditional Japanese styles of acupuncture. The program included 2, 235 didactic (academic/classroom) hours and 930 clinical hours, which included 705 hours of supervised clinical interships. My clinical internships included shifts at the NESA Clinic, the Center for Women at Mt. Auburn Hospital, and the Winchester Hospital Family Clinic in Wilmington.

Why are the hours of training important?

  • NESA's program provided me with 3,165 of combined clinical and didactic training. This surpasses the ACAOM designated minimum of 2,625 hours by 540 hours.
  • A physician acupuncturist in the state of Pennsylvania is only required to obtain 200 hours of continuing education level training in acupuncture. A physician is also not required to take or pass any of the NCCAOM exams.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Fine Arts and Russian Language from Dickinson College

A pre-requisite to enrolling in a Master's Program for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a Bachelor's Degree. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Arts and Russian Language from Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA.